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Sedation Dentistry

Nitrous oxide, Valium, and IV sedation? Oh my!

Mohawk Dental / Services / Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry in Sparta, NJOur office provides three types of sedation for our patients.

Inhaled sedation
Nitrous oxide (also called laughing gas) is provided through a mask over your nose. Nitrous oxide helps you relax, is controlled by your dentist, and wears off quickly.

Oral sedation
Valium is prescribed and taken usually about an hour before the procedure. It will make you drowsy but you’ll still be awake.

Glen AtlasIV sedation
If you need treatment but aren’t interested in being awake for the procedure, we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry (or sleep dentistry). Sedation dentistry uses IV medication (through a vein) to help patients relax during dental procedures. The sedation is performed in our office by Dr. Glen Atlas, a board certified anesthesiologist. Dr. Atlas is a professor in the department of anesthesiology at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and has over 12 years experience in dental anesthesia.

To learn more about IV sedation dentistry or Dr. Atlas, please visit his site:

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